Our daughter Sherry our first born was born with Downs syndrome . She's a real blessing . Shows so much love for us and others . She has always lived at home , went to a special school then a workshop .
She loves music and always knows the names of singers on tv . She loves our cat and dog Muffy . I think they help her in their own way .
People some times wonder , if they had a child like this , what would they do . We never wondered we just thought she's ours , we love her , wouldn't trade her for any thing . God has a reason for us to be picked to be her parents , a real gift to us . Maybe some times she doesn't want to go places . Other times she gets some place and doesn't want to leave . She has her way of doing things and that's OK .
Sherry loves to collect things and loves to share with others . She's been sorting through her things deciding what she wants to keep , trash or give away . She's already given a lot of things to family and friends . She loves HG TV and has gotten a lot of inspiration from the shows that help people get organized . Before that she had a hard time getting rid of things or giving them up . Now she can let go of things gladly , I'm so glad . When she gets done I'll paint her room . People like her are slow so I just have to wait till she's done . I would love to help her but no she wants to do it her self . When she gives some thing to some one she gets exited , even writes their name on paper and Scotch tapes it to the item . I just hope I have some place to put every thing she wants to keep while I paint LOL . Wish we had a bigger home LOL It seems every one wants to give her some thing or things . That means her room is quite full of LOVE from so many .
Sherry is one of Heaven's Very Special Children , God sent to us to care for and love and we do .
Sherry said Thanks for coming .
Sherry is beautiful, all children are a gift from God and a blessing:>)
Yes, indeed. Sherry is one of god's special children. I'm so glad she has a beautiful mother such as you!! Luv Ya! Terrie
God gave Sherry to the very special people that could love her and be loved by her.
There is a young lady at church named Debbie with Downs, she lives with her parents. She is so sweet, she has grown up in the church. She recently took part in the Easter Musical and everyone was there for her and she was such a blessing to all of us.
I meant to tell you. Richard looks like such a proud happy daddy holding his baby girl, Sherry.
God Bless Sherry and the two of you for taking loving care of such a special child :)
I believe God chooses the people that are in our lives because He knows who we need.
God bless you and your family.
What a blessing Mary, I hope you know what a blessing you are to your Sherry and whole family, I am touched beyond words, thank you for sharing your special daughters story with us and may God continue to watch over all of you! xoxox sue
She is beautiful!! God has Blessed you with a special gift! Your Awesome:)
Mary, How are you??? Hugs, Terrie
Mary, It's good to hear from you. You are the one with the energy. I'm not digging flower beds. Please.. don't over do it!!
Hugs, Terrie
Sherry is such a beautiful girl. She is a very special child. I'm so glad you told about her. You are wonderful parents.
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