A friend drew this picture of the back of our home around Christmas time 2006 .
I changed it to look like what I had been wanting for a long time . I put it on my desk top back ground and looked at it every day . My DH must have been looking at it also . One day he talked to our neighbors Jim and Lou about takeing off the old parts and building a new deck .
The old loundry room and the back porch were in bad condition . Every time I went out there I hated it so much . I really wanted a nice cool place in the afternoon shade to relax .
A few days later our kind neighbors came over and went to work . His mother was my really good friend and neighbor when we were kids . I'm sad to say she's gone now and missed a lot .
In a short tine all the bad stuff was off and gone .
It looked so differant .
This little cubbie was found next to the door to our old dinning room . An old shoe was also found , so being that it's supose to be good luck to put a shoe in a wall , we put it in the cubbie .
Then they started on the deck . This is what it looked like from the back door . Every thing was done to code in our aria
It was fun watching my dream come true .
By the end of June 2007 , just in time for the 4th of July fire works we always watch from our back yard , it was done , their part of it at least . Still needed staining .
She even put in a place for me to plant flowers and toped it with malch .
This welcome stone belonged to my Mom and Dad when they lived here . I put it on our deck to welcome friends and family . I'm living in my childhood home . My parents have been gone for many years .
Our doughter and family gave me an island with storage in it for mothers day . Our son and his family gave me a gift card from a craft shop . He took me out to eat then to the craft shop to get my gifts . He helped me pick out baskets and flowers . I put together the flower baskets and put them on the island . I had the lamp in one of the bed rooms and thought I would look nice on the island with the flower baskets .
Every night I turn on the light . Our neighbors behind us love seeing it every night . They take walks in the wee hours of the morning and there my light is to welcome them back home as they walk by .
He is in the hospital this evening . Please pray for him and his family . His name is Glen , He just had open heart surgery a few days ago . He came through it real good . He's in a lot of pain and will have to be off work for some recovery time . God Bless Ester and Glen , they are really good neighbors .
When we come out on our deck in the morning and find a bunch of flowers or some other treat we know Glen and Ester's been here .
I planted lots of flowers last fall in the beds in front of the deck . My roses did real good .
The Hydranga bushes were here and I planted the rest after the deck was stained .
These did so good in front of the deck . I enjoyed them so much .
We stained the deck white to go whth the color of our home them used the red stain for the rest . My DH picked the red and I'm so glad . Just love it . It's a punch of red Puddin .
We put up white shears to give it a cozy look . DH hung the rods .
Chocolate Mint Tea any one .
My cousin June gave me the flower boxes . I think there so pretty there with all the flowers in them . There really doing good . Oh , I feed them MG every week Tootsie , thanks for your gardening help .
They were so small when I planted them , now the've filled out so good
This was weeks ago , there twice as big now and spilling over the sides .

I'm already plaining for next year . I want to plant red Geraniums in my flower boxes .
Like I copy and paisted in my flower boxes on this picture .
Love the ones Beddow / Betty has , so pretty
Maybe some little white flowers that spill over the front .
So you see God does care about your hopes and dreams .
thank you for sharing your back porch story. Indeed God does care about our hopes and dreams. When we were looking to move to CO some friends suggested we write a list of things we would like in a home so when we find a realtor she would have an inkling as to where to start! My list included, a bigger lot as I love to garden, a garage- (lots of the homes here (all older) have little or now garage or carport) 2 bathrooms at least (house we were living in had only 1) , bedroom downstairs so parents can come visit as they don't do stairs, and I added (would love a sunroom as I never had one). Guess what came with our home- everything including not 1 but 2 sunrooms!!!! God is good!
:) mary
Mary~ what wonderful neighbors you have. You did so good sharing all the photos. I wish I had before photos of my patio project. Yours is lovely and you have done a wonderful job with your plants!
Hugs~ J.
Good morning Mariah :)
I remember when they started working on it from RMS. It looks beautiful!! I love all the flowers and the welcome stone is precious :)
I said a prayer for Glen.
Your porch turned out MAGNIFICENT...I bet you enjoy sitting out there and relaxing. The flowers make it that much more beautiful. How wonderful the project turned out so well!
what a great post! I love the look at the end! thanks for sharing this story!
Mary, that is just lovely, so warm and cozy to sit and relax. Great memories in your home I'm sure.
Have a great weekend:)
Wow! The new porch is beautiful. The flowers are the crowning touch, but so are the sheers. What a great idea. P.S. I love your little dog.
What a transformation! I just love
what you did to the porch. What a nice blog you have. I hopped in from another blog.
Such a beautiful porch, flowers, little dog...I love it when dreams come true, especially for lovely people like you!
I know you enjoy that porch so much...
Thanks for coming by to see my silly bathroom post...I love having fun..don't you? And, I love this blogging world. Come back to see me soon....
love, bj
Thank You for stopping by today and thank you SO much for the award! You are such a doll! Yes, the Lord does know the desires of our hearts and blesses us greatly! What an awesome God we serve!!
The porch looks amazing! What a dream porch it is. I love the sheers. You have some fantastic neighbors/friends!!
Heather :)
I love your porch redo! I love porches and this looks so pretty, I hope you are really enjoying it:>)
It looks beautiful. You will spend lots of enjoyable time out there!
I loved watching the transformation here. The new addition looks wonderful...what a great place to relax and enjoy the world God created.
So you have a recipe for the Chocolate Mint Tea? It sounds marvelous. I Love Chocolate and Mint and Tea!
My goodness your porch turned out beautifully!! Looks just like your drawing! All of your plantings are lovely. Your home looks welcoming and warm as I am sure it is! Christy
Such a beautiful porch and filled with such precious memories too! You are just such a special person Mariah.
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