I've Been tagged
Jessica over at http://thecozykettle.blogspot.com/ tagged me. That's so fun , If you haven't met Jessica you really should go visit her. She's a great GAL , so sweet and lots of fun .
Gota Love her .
Seven Things:
Seven Things I Plan To Do Before I Die
1. Travel
2. Put in a second bathroom
3. Spend more time with My class of 58 friends .
4. Grow lots of zinnias , all colors .
5. Write family memories for my kids .
6. Bump out our kitchen so we have more room to have family gatherings .
7. Read more books .
Seven Things I Can Do
1. Cook
2. Find great deals on line .
3. Take fun pic's of my grand kids .
4. Read a book in 1 day , not much sleep LOL couldn't put it down
5.Ear hot pepers . YUM
6. Make a good pot of chilli .
7. Sing alto
Seven Things I Cannot Do
1. Swim
2. Run a race .
3. Drive a race car in the powder puff derby .
4. Snap my fingers
5. Ride a 1 wheel bike
6. Speak German
7. Sing high notes .
Seven Things that Attract Me to My Mister
1. Runs to the rescue when our kids need help .
2. Knows when I needs some thing .
3. Loves to give to others
4. Teases me 5. Soft hearted
6. Brags about my learning to use a computer at my age .
7. A softie with animals , spoils them rotten
Seven Things I Say Most Often
1. LU
2. That's ok
3. Later Gater
4. Got to go Muffy , our dog
5. Gone to bed
6. Got any ideas for lunch .
7.Get the phone ..
Seven Celebrity Admiration's
1. Doris Day
2. Ginger Rogers
3. Shirley Temple
4. Bette Davis
5. Clark Gable Ok I like the oldies and goodies
6. Jimmy Stewart Can't forget I Love Lucy
7. Pat Boone
Seven Favorite Foods
1. Hamburger gravy on mashed potato's and toast
2. Italian food with lots of garlic
3. Susage gravy on briskets
4. Pizza
5. Turkey and dressing with all the fixings
6. Cheesy pan
7. Chili
Seven People I Think Should Do This
1 (Mary At http://megardengal.blogspot.Com/
2 Mari At http://marislittlecorner.blogspot.com/
3 Sharon B At http://sharonsquietreflections.blogspot.com/
4 Deb At http://redemptionriders.blogspot.com/
5 Tonya At http://comeandpeek.blogspot.com/
6 Lisa At http://warmheartcozyhome.typepad.com/warm_heart_cozy_home/
7 DaisyRae's At http://daisyrae68.blogspot.com/
I choose these gals because they all have so much to give . I wanted others to see their Blog' s..
There are so many others I love so much but could just choose 7.
Thanks Friends
Fun with Cassie
Last week we had Cassie overnight because Connor had to have a small
outpatient surgery.
We started out the evening by making a Squishie. I have a kit ...
5 hours ago
Oh Mary I love your post!! Can you cook all that food? Just call me, I'll be on my way. :) I hope you do all things you want to do and more.
Hugs & LU,
Jessica :)
P.S. I love Shirley Temple, they still show some of her movies Saturday mornings. :)
That was fun. I sing alto too and can't sing the high notes. Italian food is great! I love your list of saying too!
I am so glad you didn't tag me! I have no idea what I would write!
I hope things are going well for you girl.
Mary- thank you so much for tagging me for this fun exercise! I am sorry I am so tardy in getting back to you- We were gone for a conference in SD for a week then I left my power cord for computer at a hotel and didn't get it in the mail till just the other day- needless to say I am way behind!!!
We are missionaries and I have a conference I have to get a presentation ready for (computer slide show with narration which I absolutely have no idea how to do) plus we are trying to get our newletter out.
It may take me a little bit to get all the questions answered but I will as soon as I can!
Again How fun to be part of this!!!
Wow, thanks I will work on this next week, love yours, I also make a great pot of chili:)
Hey Mary!
Oh, this tag was so fun! I loved reading all the tidbits of info about you. You are such a sweet person...
Hope you have a great week!
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