The flood caused Lahman's a lot of damage .
God has been so good , many kind people came to help with the clean up in many ways including food given for the helpers .
Their back up and running good as new I'm glad to say .
Some years ago I made this post just after my cousin Judy and I really had a great time at
Lehman's in Kidron , Ohio .
Please turn up your sound .
The song "I Know who holds tomorrow" was sung at my friends funeral . She passed away in another big flood in our aria back in the 60's .
Click on the title ( A fun trip to Lehman's )
Look at their video .

Lots of old things hang on the walls
bringing back so many memories .

My Grandfather made rocking chairs
like this when I was young .

Love this one person glidder .

This is so fun ,
Picket / Dot you got to see this one .

Wow this stove is really something .

And a frig to go with it .

Judy , do you like this one ?

This is the one I like , See that red Pudden ?

Some things are real old , Just to look at .
These 2 washer's are very old .

Another very old washer .

This BBQ is so cute and it really works .
Wouldn't my neighbors love it .

We had an old ice box and a pot belly stove when I was young .
I just love looking at these and many other old things they have hanging from the walls .

This place has so much to look at and buy .

If You need it they just might have it .
I've ordered things from their catalog , it's a fun read .

We could even eat in Jail but where's the food ,
A dry old piece of bread , Oh No .
I was hoping for ice cream not this dry old bread . Too much fun LOL .

Oh that's better , Judy get me one to , I want a cone .

White dishes , I need some .

So many , I love them .

Perfect , I want a blue one .

Judy look what I found , so many goodies .

Now what can I put in some of these baskets and give as gifts ?
I'm sure I can find a lot of things in this big wonderful place .

Lots of soft pretty rugs .

Oh the good old days .

Oh so pretty and blue on it . Me and my got to have blue .

Cute boots , so fun .

Oh Yes blue lamps , hope to get one soon .
The power might go out this winter , I'll need one .

Oh Wow so pretty .

More pretty lamps , every color you could hope for .

A scale of good measure .

There's a train with cars on it going around above our heads .

This is for the birds , cute but so useful .


Love this .

I remember seeing these being used .

OK I'll go thata way .

This place is so big , you could spend hours looking and not see it all .
It just goes on and on and on .
A lot of their items have been used in Big Movies ,
if they needed some thing that looked real old they got it from Lehman's .
The Amish shop there for many non electric items .
Great place to go Christmas shopping .
You can order from them on line , it's so handy .
God Bless the Lehman Family , their employees and all the kind people that helped with the clean up .